Cantaloupe Fruit Basket

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How to make a girly cantaloupe fruit basket

After learning the simple fruit basket, you can let yourself eat fruit with a sense of ceremony. Get it quickly!



How to make a girly cantaloupe fruit basket

  1. Cut by video method

    Step 1 of the girly cantaloupe fruit basket

  2. Put your favorite fruit and mint

    Step 2 of the girly cantaloupe fruit basket

  3. Cut into a bow and secure with toothpicks. Make two more bows and whiskers, cut the tail with scissors, and finally fix it

    Step 3 of the girly cantaloupe fruit basket

  4. If you like food, remember to bookmark and follow Anmi, and continue to update the food tutorials to share with you. Thank you for your support!

    Step 4 of the girly cantaloupe fruit basket


①It must be cut neatly to look good
②The peel of the bow should be cut as thin as possible to better shape


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